Knowing what business is worth and what determines its value is prerequisite for intelligent decision making. Corporate valuations form the basis of corporate finance activity including capital raising, M&A and also to meet regulatory / accounting requirements or for voluntary purpose. Justifying the value of businesses has grown more complex and challenging as it’s been accepted that valuation is not an exact science and depends upon a number of factors like purpose, stage, financials, industry, management and promoters strengths etc. Professional experience of valuer has a big role in choosing and applying out of different methodologies and concluding value.
As of now there are no formal standards for business valuation in India (barring ICAI Valuation Standard which too is recommendatory) specifically for unlisted and private companies, numerous conceptual controversies still remain, even among the most prominent valuation practitioners. Interestingly, the answer to this lies in focusing more on basics of valuations. www.corporatevaluations.in by virtue of its extensive promoters capital markets experience, dedicated valuation team, in-house research wing and proven expertise in corporate transaction advisory has made an attempt by identifying, preparing and compiling research oriented articles on such debated issues on Business valuation, Relative valuation, SOTP valuation, ESOP valuation, DCF valuation, Enterprise valuation, Holding company discounts, Valuation in IT sector, RBI valuation, Regulatory valuations, Registered valuer, Start up valuation and Brand valuation which will guide you how to apply the range of valuation techniques, including their appropriate application, advantages and disadvantages.
www.corporatevaluations.in is an online venture on valuation promoted by Corporate Professionals Capital Private Limited, a SEBI Registered (Cat-I) Merchant Banker headquartered at New Delhi. We hope this compilation of research oriented articles will give its readers rich insight and adequate knowledge about key valuation issues. We shall be happy to receive any comments /suggestions @ info@corporatevaluations.in.
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Corporate Professionals Capital Pvt. Ltd. is a SEBI Registered (Cat-I) Merchant Banker and has a successful track record of providing a broad range of M&A and Transaction Advisory Services. Our Dedicated Valuation Team with intensive experience and research focus has created a niche in Valuation Services by executing Corporate Valuations (uncoding tangibles & intangibles) of clients of International Repute across different Context, Industries and Boundaries and delivering well-reasoned and defensive Valuation Reports.