Mar 2, 2011

Union Budget 2011-12: Indirect Snapshot

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    The indirect tax
    proposals under the Union Budget 2011-12 are aimed at taking forward the path of
    fiscal consolidation without adversely affecting  economic growth, achieve
    improvement in tax – GDP ratio by expansion in tax base, removal of exemptions, 
    moderation of tax rates, reduce complexities in tax system and encourage
    voluntary compliance.

    In terms of reform
    process in Indirect Taxes, the Finance Minister while being non committal on
    timing and roll out of Goods & Service Tax (GST), hinted that his mind to
    bring in constitutional  amendment bill in the current session of the
    Parliament. The fact that proposed indirect proposals are targeted towards
    moving close to harmonies with GST regime in the future is good signal in this

    Some of key indirect proposal are
    summarized below:


    • Enhancement in the merit rate of
      Central Excise from 4% to 5%
    • Expansion of the tax base through
    • Imposition of a nominal duty of 1 % ad valorem on about 130 items that
      were hitherto exempt or chargeable to nil rate of duty without CENVAT
    • Imposition of mandatory excise duty of 10% on ready made garments
      bearing or sold under a brand name
    • Rationalization of rate structure
      on paper and availability of CENVAT credit to ship-breaking units )


    • Enhancement in export duty on iron
    ore at a unified rate of 20% for both lumps and fines

    • Rationalization of customs duty
    rates of 2%,2.5% and 3% to the median rate of 2.5% as well as the rate structure
    for aircraft


    • Levy of service tax on accrual
      basis rather than cash basis
    • Imposition of service tax on a few
      more service categories
    • Rationalization in the scope
      of many existing service categories such as insurance, banking and
      financial services, health services, commercial training and coaching,
      clubs or associations etc.
    • Rationalisation in the
      valuation provisions and import rules; and
    • Ratonalisation of the CENVAT
      Credit scheme provisions especially with regard to the apportionment of credit
      between dutiable/taxable and exempt goods or services.

    Click here to download a
    detailed analysis of indirect tax proposal in the Union Budget 2011-12.

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