Jan 16, 2015

This New Year- Let Your Employees Grow With You

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This New Year- Let Your Employees Grow With You Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom
that experience can still instill in us.

– Hal Borland
Celebrations are taking place around the World to mark the start of 2015. We are on a welcome note of another new beginning with an excitement, high anticipation & expectation for the months to come. The beginning of a new year can get you inspired to make changes and to do things differently.

Even in Indian context and from a commercial perspective, bang is expected in the economic activities in the country under the charge of the new elected government of Shri Modi. In a recent article, World Bank said that, ‘Indian economy, which accounts for 80% of South Asia’s output, is set to grow by 6.4% in 2015-16 as against 5.6% in the year 2014-15. India is benefiting from a “Modi Dividend”’, the Bank said.

Even from the human resource angle, according to various researches & reports, it is expected that there will be an increase in jobs & work opportunities this year. According to researchers, there will be a rise when it comes to freshers getting hired. It has been predicted that there will be an increase of almost 18% in the hiring numbers compared to 2014. This signifies upcoming opportunities for both, Corporate and individuals who are willing & capable.

Since the evolution of Corporate Sector, businesses & employees have gone hand in hand. Growth of a business is directly linked with the growth of its employees & vice versa. Employees are the building blocks of any business, so they need to be the part of growth & sharing. Likewise growth of business is a must for Employee’s growth as well. In today’s modern business world, human capital has become one of the most important resources. The enterprises are, therefore, more than ever interested not only in retaining their employees but also for attracting the best talent from outside. Motivation is strongly connected with employee engagement and the main cause of good or bad performance and overall operation of the company.

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