Apr 14, 2016

Relaxation in additional fees & Companies (Amendment) Bill 2016

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MCA relaxes additional fees

As a major relief to all the stakeholders, who were grappling with widespread issues related to filing of various form on MCA21 since its revamp last month, MCA vide it General Circular no 03/2016 dated 12th April 2016 has relaxed the payment of additional fees on e-forms which are due for filing between 26th March 2016 to 30th April 2016. But in order to avail the relaxation the e-form have to filed on or before 10th May 2016

Click here to download the circular

Companies (Amendment) Bill 2016

The Companies (Amendment) Bill 2016 tabled in Lok Sabha in the Budget session has been referred to the Standing Committee on Finance for necessary deliberation

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