Jun 5, 2015

MCA constitutes Companies Law Committee

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MCA has constituted a Companies Law Committee with the following mandate:

  • To make recommendations to the Government on issues arising from the implementation of the Companies Act, 2013 and
  • To examine the recommendations received from the Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee, the High Level Committee on CSR, the Law Commission and other agencies, while undertaking(i) above.

The committee consist of the following:-


S.No. Name of Person/institution Position
1. Secretary Ministry of Corporate Affairs Chairperson
2. Ms. Reva Khetarpal, former Judge, Delhi High Court Member
3. Sh. Manoj Fadnis, President, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Member
4. Sh. Atul H Mehta, President, The Institute of Company Secretaries Of India Member
5. Dr. A.S. Durga Prasad, President, The Institute of Cost Accountants Of India Member
6. Shri Bharat Vasani, Chief Legal & Group General Counsel, Tata Sons Ltd, Industry Nominee Member
7. Shri Y.M. Deosthalee, Chairman, L&T Finance Holdings, Industry Nominee Member
8. Joint Secretary (Policy), Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Member-Convener


The Committee may invite or co-opt subject matter experts relating to corporate law or any other subject matter, as well as experts from SEBI, RBI, C&AG as needed. The Committee may also invite any other person or body in the interest of broad-based consultation.


The Committee shall submit its recommendations within six months of its first meeting.

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