Aug 2, 2016

Extension of last date for filling of AOC- 4, AOC 4(XBRL), AOC 4(CFS) & MGT-7 under the Companies Act, 2013

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"The MCA vide its general circular dated July 29, 2016, has extended due date of filling of Financial Statements i.e. Form AOC-4, AOC-4(XBRL) & AOC-4(CFS) as the case may be and Annual Return i.e. Form MGT-7 by the Companies under the Companies Act, 2013, by October 29, 2016, where due date of holding Annual General Meeting is on or after April 01, 2016, without payment of additional fees. Revised Form AOC-4(XBRL) and Form AOC-4(CFS) may be available by end of August, 2016."
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