Eco Mark Certification Rules, 2024 have come into force from 26th September 24’ notified by Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change.
- The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change of the Government of India has taken a significant step towards promoting product manufactured with lower energy consumption, resource efficiency and conservation, have the elements of circular economy while preventing misleading information on environmental aspects.
- The ministry has given power to the three committees to overlook the disbursement of the Eco Mark; –
- The Central Pollution Control Board- Shall be responsible for levying and revoking the licenses.
- The Steering Committee- Overlooking the implementation of the rules.
- The Technical Committee- Assist the Central Pollution Control Board in the following Matters related with review and development of criteria for grant of Eco mark, verification process and any other technical matter.
- An Eco mark shall be provided only to products that are able to prove their credibility of being environmentally sound mentioned in clause 3–
- Reduces the pollution by minimising or eliminating the generation of waste in the form of emissions, discharge, and
- Is recyclable or is made from recycled material or both;
- Reduces the use of non-renewable resources, including non-renewable energy sources and natural resources;
- Reduces the use of any material, which has adverse impacts on the environment;
- Materials with the following attributes may also be considered for this mark-
- Production process, including source of raw material;
- Use of natural resources;
- Environmental impact;
- Effect and extent of emissions or waste arising from the production process;
- Disposal of the product and its packaging;
- Compliance with the Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility, wherever applicable;
- Utilisation of waste and recycled materials;
- Suitability for recycling; and
- Use of non-hazardous substances in place of hazardous substances.
- According to the notification, list of products along with criteria for Eco- mark in the form of Schedule- 1 has been provided.