Jan 29, 2016

Draft rules related to Merger, Oppression and Mismanagement issued by MCA

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In view of the Supreme Court order dated 14th May, 2015, the process for constitution of NCLT/NCLAT has been undertaken and these bodies are likely to be set up shortly. In the said direction, the Ministry had set-up a Committee on 17th July, 2015 to examine the draft Rules w.r.t procedure to be followed NCLT/NCLAT. The said Committee has since made recommendations on draft rules w.r.t. following matters:-

  1. Rules on Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamation;
  2. Rules on Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement; and
  3. Rules on procedure to be followed by NCLT and NCLAT;

Click on any of rules to download the file

MCA vide press release dated 28th January 2016 has decided to invite suggestions / comments on the above draft rules. Suggestions/comments on above mentioned draft rules along with justification in brief (format mentioned below) may be addressed/sent latest by 17th February, 2016 through email at ncltrules@mca.gov.in. It is requested that the name, Telephone number and address of the sender should be indicated clearly at the time of sending suggestions/comments.


Chapter No. / Name of Chapter _______________

Name, Address, Contact No. of Stake holder

SL.No Rule / Form No Suggestion Justification
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