Mar 31, 2011

Consolidated FDI Policy w.e.f 1st April 2011 issued

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    Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion has issued the Consolidated FDI Policy , which will be effective from 1st April 2011. The Policy will subsumes and supersedes all Press Notes/Press Releases/Clarifications/ Circulars issued by DIPP, which were in force as on March31, 2011.

    The following major changes have been incorporated in the latest consolidation:

    (i) Pricing of Convertible instruments-  (paragraph 3.2.1 of Circular 1 of 2011 ):

    Instead of specifying the price of convertible instruments upfront, companies will now have the option of prescribing a conversion formula, subject to the FEMA/ SEBI guidelines on pricing. This would help the recipient companies in obtaining a better valuation based upon their performance.

    (ii) Inclusion of fresh items for issue of shares against non-cash considerations(paragraph 3.4.6 of Circular 1 of 2011 ):

    The existing policy provides for conversion of only ECB/lump-sum fee/Royalty into equity. A discussion paper on the possibility and need for inclusion of additional items into equity had been released by DIPP in September, 2010. After stakeholder consultations, Government has now decided to permit issue of equity, under the Government route, in the following cases, subject to specific conditions:

    (a) import of capital goods/ machinery/ equipment (including second-hand machinery)

    (b) pre-operative/ pre-incorporation expenses (including payments of rent etc.)

    This measure, which liberalises conditions for conversion of non-cash items into equity, is expected to significantly ease the conduct of business.

    (iii) Removal of the condition of prior approval in case of existing joint ventures/ technical collaborations in the same field (paragraph 4.2.2 of Circular 2 of 2010):

    A discussion paper had been released by DIPP last year on the need for review of this condition. There is a felt need to attract fresh investment and technology inflows into the country, as also to reduce the levels of State intervention in the commercial sphere. Keeping in view the above, Government has decided to abolish this condition. It is expected that this measure will promote the competitiveness of India as an investment destination and be instrumental in attracting higher levels of FDI and technology inflows into the country.

    (iv) Guidelines relating to down-stream investments (paragraph 4.6 of Circular 1 of 2011 ):

    The guidelines have been comprehensively simplified and rationalised. Companies have now been classified into only two categories – companies owned or controlled by foreign investors and companies owned and controlled by Indian residents. The earlier categorisation of investing companies, operating companies and investing-cum-operating companies has been done away with.

    (v) Development of Seeds (paragraph 5.2.1 of Circular 1 of 2011):

    In the agriculture sector, FDI will now be permitted in the development and production of seeds and planting material, without the stipulation of having to do so under controlled conditions.


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