Jun 1, 2012

Communication of UIN in Overseas Direct Investment (ODI)

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Communication of UIN in Overseas Direct Investment (ODI)

In order to simplify the procedure, the Reserve Bank of India vide A.P. (DIR Series) Circular
No.131 dated 31st May, 2012 has decided to communicate the allotment of Unique Identification
Number (UIN) in respect of cases related to Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) falling under the
automatic route through an auto generated email to email ID of AD/Indian Party w.e.f. June 01,
Further, all subsequent remittances as ODI under both automatic as well as approval route
are to be reported online after receipt of email conveying the UIN. However, the application for
ODI under approval route would continue to be submitted physically, in addition to the online
reporting of Part I of Form ODI.

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