Jun 26, 2014

Clarification regarding format of Annual Return w.r.t Fy 2013-14 and Fee for inspection of records

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Clarification with regard to format of annual return w.r.t Fy 2013-14


MCA after receiving various requests for clarification regarding the form of annual return to be filed for the financial year 2013-14 has issued a clarification vide circular no 22/2014 dated 25th June 2014 that Form MGT-7 shall not apply to annual returns in respect of companies whose financial year ended on or before 1st April, 2014 and those pertaining to earlier years. These companies may file their returns in the relevant Form applicable under the Companies Act, 1956 i.e. Form 20B.


Fees to be charged by companies for allowing inspection of records


MCA vide its circular no 22/2014 dated 25th June 2014 has also clarified that till the time fee for inspection of records under rule 14(2) and rule 16 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules 2014 i.e. fees regarding the inspection and copies of registers maintained under section under section 88 and annual return maintained under section 92, is not prescribed in the Articles, inspections of such documents could be allowed without levy of fee.

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