Mar 23, 2020

Relaxation in compliance with requirements relating to Mutual Funds

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The timelines for certain disclosures as required under the provisions of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 and circulars issued thereunder, have been extended, as under:

S. No. Regulation/ Circular and associated filing Filing Timelines
Frequency Due within Due date Extended date
1. Regulation 59: Half yearly disclosures of unaudited financial results Half Yearly One month from the close of half year, i.e. 31st March, 2020 30th April, 2020 31st May, 2020
2. SEBI Circular dated 18th March, 2016: Disclosure of commission paid to distributors Half Yearly Within 10 days from the half year end i.e. 31st March, 2020 10th April, 2020 10th May, 2020
3. SEBI Circular dated 13th May, 2010: Yearly disclosure of investor complaints with respect to Mutual Funds Yearly Within 2 months of the close of the financial year i.e. 31st March, 2020 31st May, 2020 30th June, 2020

The effective date of implementation of certain policy initiatives have been extended, as under

S. No. Circular Name Particulars Due date Extended date
1. Risk management framework for liquid and overnight funds and norms governing investment in short term deposits dated 20th September, 2019 Liquid funds shall hold at least 20% of its net assets in liquid assets. 01st April, 2020 01st May, 2020
2. Review of investment norms for mutual funds for investment in Debt and Money Market instruments dated 01st October, 2019 Maximum investment in unlisted NCDs as % of the debt portfolio of the scheme 15%
31st March, 2020
30th April, 2020
3. Valuation of money market and debt securities dated 24th September, 2019 Amortization based valuation shall be dispensed with and irrespective of residual maturity, all money market and debt securities shall be valued. 01st April, 2020 01st May, 2020

Click here to view Circular

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